Parents and kids, our Flashlight Reader's Book Club is for 4th, 5th and 6th grade readers AND a grown-up of their choice. We usually meet the third Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm, in the Richins Auditorium of the Kimball Junction Branch, Summit County Library. Both parent and child read the book ahead of time--together or individually, whatever works for you. Then, come ready for a lively discussion and some delicious bookish snacks.  Advance registration is required. Please include both reader's names on the registration form. Book Club copies are available at the front desk. Watch for a reminder email.

Here are the books we're reading through June 2025: April 17--Browngirl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson; May 15--Fish in a Tree by Linda Mulally Hunt; June 26*--The Fairy Tale Fan Club by Richard Ayoade. (*June 29 is the fourth Thursday, the library is closed for Juneteenth the week before.)
