Have you ever wished the library was open earlier or later? We are excited to announce the Summit County Library Coalville Branch is starting a pilot program that gives patrons extended access to the Library facility when staff may not be on-site. Through this program, patrons in the Coalville area can browse materials, pick up holds, and use the library computers/Wi-Fi and space when it is most convenient for them. Registration is required and adult patrons whose accounts are in good standing can sign a waiver to participate. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult who has registered for the program, no exceptions. Security cameras have been installed throughout the library for peace of mind, and a speaker system makes announcements to inform patrons when they need to exit the facility.
Extended Access Hours Video
When are Extended Hours?
Normal operating hours and curbside hold delivery hours are Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Extended access hours are from 8:00-10:00 AM Monday-Friday, 6:00-8:00 PM Monday-Thursday, and 2:00-6:00 PM Saturday.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we doing this?
The Coalville Branch Library has the fewest operating hours and staff allocated in our library system. This program is intended to give more equitable library access to Coalville residents and those who work in the Coalville area. The Library belongs to the community and we want patrons to have the most access possible while still being safe. This type of program has been popular in Europe for the last 10-15 years, and it is now becoming more popular in the United States. We are the first library in Utah to implement a program like this.
Is this program intended to replace staff?
Absolutely not. The most valuable asset of any library is the staff, but staff can only work up to 40 hours per week. The Coalville Branch Library is currently budgeted to be open for 44 hours per week with appropriate staffing levels. This program will extend patron access to the library by 22 hours per week!
Why did you select these hours?
The Health Department has a presence in the facility beginning at 8:00 AM Monday-Friday. We want people to feel safe and comfortable entering the library space even though library staff may not be present. We also have library staff available at the Kimball Junction Branch from 6:00-8:00 PM Monday-Thursday and 2:00-6:00 PM on Saturdays. These staff members will be able to check the security cameras periodically and answer phone calls if patrons need assistance.
How are we paying for this program?
The Summit County Library received an LSTA federal grant administered by the State Library to fund this pilot program for 3 years. We intended to start this service in 2020, but Covid-19 delayed our plans. We are excited to begin offering the program now in July 2021.
More Information
If you would like to learn more and register for the program, please talk to a Coalville Branch Librarian during normal operating hours. We will help you sign up for the program if you're interested and demonstrate how everything works. We are also happy to set up an appointment if none of these times work for you. Simply use our Ask a Librarian Form to request that a librarian contact you to make an appointment.