Sips n' Stories Book Club (To Boldly Grow)

Join us on Zoom for a drink and book discussion. We'll make a Cape Codder and then discuss To Boldly Grow by Tamar Haspel (or bring a drink of your choice).
The e-book and audiobook are available on Libby. The book is available at the library.
Summary: Journalist and self-proclaimed “crappy gardener” Tamar Haspel is on a mission: to show us that raising or gathering our own food is not as hard as it’s often made out to be. When she and her husband move from Manhattan to two acres on Cape Cod, they decide to adopt a more active approach to their diet: raising chickens, growing tomatoes, even foraging for mushrooms and hunting their own meat. They have more ambition than practical know-how, but that’s not about to stop them from trying…even if sometimes their reach exceeds their (often muddy) grasp.
Zoom meeting details will be emailed to you when you register. Must be 21 or older.
Upcoming Meeting: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt - Thursday, September 5 at 6 pm.