History Book Club (The Things They Carried)
The History Book Club is intended for those who are interested in historical non-fiction. We will be reading books that cover many eras and historical events. On occasion we may also read historical fiction to learn about time periods that are not covered well by non-fiction. Our first book, The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, will kick-off a joint program with Utah State University. The Bringing War Home Project seeks to engage veterans, military families, and communities across Utah in conversations about their experience of war. We are particularly interested in how objects (things made during times of war and brought back from war zones) form a core part of these stories. More to come about this project later.
Our discussion about The Things They Carried will be on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. at the Kimball Junction Branch or on Zoom. The book is available to check out at the library and the e-book is always available on Libby. If you have questions, please reach out to Joe Frazier. Please sign up for this event to receive updates and Zoom details.