Join us for a free screening of Laura (1h 28m) in the Kimball Junction Branch auditorium. The film is based on the classic novel of the same name by Vera Caspary. After the screening, we will have an optional discussion about the novel and the film. The ebook is available on Libby, and the book is also available to check out.

Synopsis: In one of the most celebrated 1940s film noirs, Manhattan detective Mark McPherson (Dana Andrews) investigates the murder of Madison Avenue executive Laura Hunt (Gene Tierney) in her fashionable apartment. On the trail of her murderer, McPherson quizzes Laura's arrogant best friend, gossip columnist Waldo Lydecker (Clifton Webb) and her comparatively mild fiancé, Shelby Carpenter (Vincent Price). As the detective grows obsessed with the case, he finds himself falling in love with the dead woman.

Upcoming Meetings:

Rez Ball - Thursday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m. (Zoom Meeting)

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry - Thursday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. (Zoom Meeting)
